- Foul Network Design
- SAB Application Approval
- S104 Approval.
drainageconsultancy.com were commissioned by a developer to design full SUDS & Foul Network for a 23 house development incorporating large natural SUDS features which will blend into the surrounding green areas. The network was designed with a limited run off rate marching existing greenfield run off rates as approval was required via FRAP application
- Foul Network Design,
- SAB Application,
- Highway Design and S38 Application,
- Topographical Survey,
- Water Main Diversion Application
- S104 Approval.
drainageconsultancy.com were commissioned by a developer on the Isle of Anglesey to design a full turn key drainage and highway design for their development. By implementing Natural SUDS features for the highway drainage and private areas, we were able to satisfy SAB
drainageconsultancy.com were commissioned by our client to undertake a full SUDS Design and subsequent SAB Application for a new dewlling on the beach front. With limited space and discharge only possible into tidal body, the design incoporated SUDS features such as Raised Beds below downpipes to satisfy SAB Water reuse, biodiversity and Amenity criterias. Invert of discharge had to be carefully design to be above high tide levels to avoid risk of flooding from
- Full SUDS and Foul Design
drainageconsultancy.com were commissioned to design a full SUDS and Foul network for a development where site levels were difficult. Percolation tests failed therefore the only viable option was to connect to the DCWW Network. To implement SUDS into the design and achieve sufficient attenuation a Swale was designed with weirs at various point to allow the water to be able to use the swale volume as attenuation during large storm events
drainageconsultancy.com were approached to undertake a Sewer Diversion application for a client who had a main drain running where their proposed extension was to be constructed. Designing the diversion, completing the diversion application and full liaison with the Water Utility provider until approval was granted. Design followed all adoptable standards.
Limited with space onsite our client approached drainagecosultancy.com to undertake both Foul and Surface water network designs.
Given such a limited space there was no room at the lowest part of the site to locate a soakaway and with no existing sewers in the area the client had no choice other than to install a holding tank for the foul network and a pump for the surface water network to allow for a soakaway to be constructed at the highest point of the site.
Contact us today and discover how our tailored water management strategies can enhance efficiency and sustainability
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